Message from Chairman
As the umbrella organization of tea cooperatives in Nepal, we actively lobby for and advocate favorable policies for tea cooperatives and tea farmers. CTCF Nepal unites family tea farmers through cooperatives, providing technical assistance, access to finance. We also promote sustainable farming practices, including organic farming, Rainforest Alliance (RFA) certification, fair trade, and responsible business practices. CTCF Nepal supports its member processing cooperatives by facilitating market access and promoting the export of tea to international markets such as China, India, European countries, and the United States of America. We focus on empowering youth, women, promoting gender equity, and supporting disadvantaged farmers and workers in the tea sector. CTCF provides training and guidance in leadership, cooperative management, business planning, financial management, occupational safety and health (OSH), good governance, and various capacity-building initiatives. We also monitor the progress of cooperatives and farmers to ensure effective implementation. CTCF is committed to transforming the livelihoods of Nepalese smallholder family tea farmers by empowering tea cooperatives. Together, we are building a sustainable and prosperous future for tea farming in Nepal. We invite our partners, supporting agencies, and government and non-governmental organizations to collaborate for the sustainable development of the tea sector and cooperatives. Let us collectively work to improve the livelihoods of rural tea farmers through our united efforts.